Sunday, February 1, 2009

mac n cheese oh my oh me

Too tired to type... Let's just get on with it:

I went to my first ever Bikram yoga class. Holy cow. Holy guacamole. I went in wearing a shirt and laughing to myself about the whole concept of 'hot yoga', thinking it wasn't going to be crowded at 4 o'clock on a Saturday, and it wasn't going to be that hot in there. I brought a hand towel, a bottle of water, my pretty purple yoga mat that gets minimal usage.

I get to the studio and I am surrounded by young, beautiful naked people. Okay, they weren't naked, but they were wearing very, very little. The next 90 minutes passed by v e r y s l o w l y and within the first 2 minutes, I could barely see, there was sweat all up in my vision. Right in front of the mirror, I could see the carefully applied swipes of mascara running down my face, and i couldn't hold my foot, it was a slippery little bugger. Who frikin' knew? They really mean it when they say sweat yoga.

I'll try it one more time before I give up. Ugh. Not very positive talk, but it's hard to be positive at 12:35 in the morning. It's officially Super Bowl Sunday. Little woo.


B @ 11:30 - 1/2 C. oats, blackberries, yogurt, etc.

S @ 2:30 - 2 pineapple spears

this is where it goes down hill.

I promised J I would cook, and I found a tasty 'low-fat' mac n cheese recipe with broccoli. So I made it. A HUGE pan of it. And it was delicious! Why? Because I doubled the amount of cheese, and added a touch more butter. It was really, really good, but not exactly health food. I did use low-fat shredded cheese ($$) and whole wheat twirl-y pasta (who needs fancy pasta terminology this late at night?) and you know...broccoli. Oh! And my cheese sauce was made with skim milk!

D @ 8:00 - 2 smallish bowls of home made baked twirly pasta and cheese with broccoli

Dessert @ 9: 00 - 3 chocolate bon bons at 40 cals. each (I was feeling naughty! they were deelicious)

My hands are extra dry from lots of dishes and I need to wash my face b/c I'm getting a zit. It's okay though, tomorrow is a holy day (GO CARDINALS!!!) and I already have some boneless skinless chicken breasts cooked for tomorrow's cheese, corn and shredded chicken enchiladas!

No pictures today, but expect a litany tomorrow!